
You can use ACF fields to edit and apply values within blocks. In this case, the data only exists in a particular block. In the example below, you can see the ACF settings on the right-hand side where you can edit the fields. Once updated, the value will instantly update on the block.

Change Default "ACF Settings"

You can change the default "ACF Settings" text in GutenBricks settings under the Client Experience Tab.

Change the Pop-up Text

Users are not allowed to edit dynamic data on the canvas. This is due to technical limitations and to provide a better editing experience, as it is easier to edit most dynamic data using forms (e.g., Repeater).

GutenBricks displays a pop-up message informing users that they cannot edit the field directly on the canvas. You can change the default pop-up text here:Override the Dynamic Data pop-up text

Advanced: Understanding Post ACF Data VS Block ACF Data

You can still render ACF data saved within posts, pages, and CPTs. GutenBricks will first look for the data within the block and then move on to looking for data saved within posts, pages, and CPTs. You can programmatically access the values saved in blocks using gb_get_field()

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