Current Changelog

v1.1.9 - Beta2 (Oct 17, 2024)

  • FIXED: InnerBlock text colors not applied correctly within CoreFramework

  • FIXED: Remove warnings from bricks_is_builder() is not a function (thanks to Michael)

  • FIXED: Hide settings tab from tabs when there is no tab

  • FIXED: When ACSS is present, remove CSS for font-size within GutenBricks

v1.1.8.1 (Oct 16, 2024)

  • FIXED: ACF / ACF Pro error message when ACF Pro resides within Advanced Themer

  • NEW: Add custom <script> or <style> in Gutenberg editor

v1.1.7 (Oct 15, 2024)

  • FIXED: Native fields not loading correctly in a certain case

  • FIXED: Code block not running when Polylang is activated (Thanks to Cees)

  • IMPROVED: Polylang integration

v.1.1.6 (Oct 14, 2024)

  • FIXED: More accurate font-size when it comes to ACSS

  • FIXED: ACF/SCF not being detected properly

  • FIXED: Table of Content element not working

v.1.1.5 (Oct 12, 2024)

  • FIXED: Remove Rich Text Editor's wrapper

  • FIXED: Blocks not loading in certain WordPress environment

v.1.1.4 (Oct 11, 2024)

  • NEW: New Rich Text Editor

  • FIXED: CSS issues in Gutenberg Editor

  • FIXED: Dulicated carousel content when used with ACF gallery (Thanks to Philip Yong)

v1.1.3 (Oct 10, 2024)

  • FIXED: Heading not showing in Rich Text (Thanks to Tim)

  • FIXED: Absolute elements are not showing properly (Thanks to Malte)

v1.1.2 (Oct 8, 2024)

  • NEW: Add Dynamic Class and Style Editor to InnerBlock Widget

  • FIXED: WPML string translation didn't update properly

v1.1.0 (Oct 7, 2024)

  • NEW: InnerBlock

  • NEW: Custom Popup Message

  • NEW: A link to template post within Gutenberg editor

  • NEW: Icons for variant and toggle in Bricks Structure View

  • NEW: JavaScript events when block is rendered within Gutenberg editor (Learn More)

  • NEW: Configure where the code blocks should run (frontend or Gutenberg editor)

  • NEW: Dynamic class for Block wrapper

  • NEW: When "Save block content in post" enabled

    • NEW: Now supports WPML String translation

    • IMPROVED: Blocks instantly loaded in Gutenberg Editor

    • IMPROVED: Fallback content when GutenBricks and Bricks are disabled

    • FIXED: RankMath works properly

  • IMPROVED: Rendering Performance

  • IMPROVED: Cleaner HTML structure for blocks without wrapper elements

  • FIXED: Page template didn't work well with staging environment

  • FIXED: Font too small when using rem in Gutenberg editor

  • IMPROVED: Blocks reflect Bricks theme style

  • FIXED: Text icon breaks

  • FIXED: Internal Link not rendering properly

  • REMOVED: JavaScript for editor

v.1.0.8 (Sep 14, 2024)

  • FEATURE: Support for ACF gallery (MetaBox in-development)

  • FEATURE: Editor for gallery element

  • FEATURE: Custom CSS for Gutenberg Editor (Read More)

  • FEATURE: Users can select a default page template (Read More)

  • FEATURE: Global themes are now reflected on Block Editor

  • FEATURE: {echo:gb_current_element_id} or gb_current_element_id() returns the GutenBricks unique ID for an element if called within the element

  • IMPROVEMENT: Allow media button to add all types of media

  • BUGFIX: Text link icon breaks

  • BUGFIX: Prevent button and link from being clicked inside block editor

  • BUGFIX: Div links not being rendered properly after Bricks 1.10.0

  • BUGFIX: Internal link not working properly

  • BUGFIX: Remove warnings

v.1.0.6 (Aug 1, 2024)

  • More BricksExtra supports within the editor (Lightbox, Back to Top, Pro Accordion, Before After Image, Tabs, Pro Slider, Burger Trigger, Content Timeline, Content Timeline Horizontal, Copy to Clip Board, Copy to Clipboard Popover, Countdown, Cursor, Dynamic Table, Sticky Header, Header Search, Hide Header, Image Hotspots, Social Share, Reading Progress Bar)

  • Taxonomy not loading properly (Thanks Riyad's report!)

  • Remove version warning

  • Remove warning messages

  • Button icon duplicates

  • Button SVG not displaying in Gutenberg editor

v1.0.5 (July, 16, 2024)

  • BUGFIX: block class rendered even in the children elements

  • BUGFIX: Fix the issue where the images set to index: -1 are not showing

  • BUGFIX: WYSIWYG editor within repeater breaks when it has links

  • BUGFIX: 2 or more sliders don't render properly at the same time

  • BUGFIX: Visibility doesn't work properly on the root element

  • BUGFIX: Separator breaks within Gutenberg editor when used with text

v.1.0.3 (July, 8, 2024)

  • BUGFIX: Text editor not showing list and other tags properly in Gutenberg editor

  • IMPROVEMENT: Native Gutenberg header displayed in right width and centered in Gutenberg editor

v.1.0.2 (July 2, 2024)

  • BUGFIX: Block documentation not loading

  • BUGFIX: Remove warning messages

v.1.0.0 (July 1, 2024)

  • FEATURE: Delayed visibility to solve FOUC & CLS issue

  • FEATURE: CSS Loading optimization

  • FEATURE: New Get Started in Settings section

  • FEATURE: Rich Text editor now supports shift + enter to add a new line (Thanks to Max Sankovich)

  • FEATURE: Native video element editing

  • FEATURE: Experimental native fields feature (text, true/false, radio, select, image)

  • FEATURE: Adding file and number fields for ACF and Meta Box

  • FEATURE: Add default page template

  • FEATURE: Allow users to override Bricks' theme name using a filter gutenbricks_bricks_theme_name (requested by Michael)

  • FEATURE: Users can choose which post types to have certain block bundles

  • FEATURE: WYSIWYG editor (works in repeater as well)

  • FEATURE: Post Selector now can reorder

  • FEATURE: Any elements such as cards wrapped in <a> are no longer redirecting when clicked in the editor. You can also edit the links now.

  • FEATURE: Repeater

  • FEATURE: New text editing

  • FEATURE: Style Editor to edit CSS such as colors and background-image

  • FEATURE: Post object / relationship selector for ACF

  • FEATURE: gb_get_field(). This function allows you to retrieve Block metadata programmatically

  • FEATURE: Native Variant Builder

  • FEATURE: Disabling editing for an element or entire template

  • FEATURE: Inline editing form toggle inside Gutenberg editor

  • FEATURE: Native editing form

  • FEATURE: Value binding

  • FEATURE: Dynamic Classes

  • FEATURE: Customize block icons

  • FEATURE: Customize Block Settings. In this version, there is only one field called HTML ID field

  • FEATURE: Turn off rendering of container, block, section and div blocks

  • FEATURE: Unique ID for elements

  • FEATURE: Meta Box integration Beta features with limited input fields.

  • FEATURE: ACF instructions are now visible (Requested by Stacey)

  • FEATURE: Adding image using ACF field

  • FEATURE: Compatibility test passed with Bricks 1.9.6. We will support the new filters and SVG features in the following releases.

  • FEATURE: Edit URL for the Text Link element

  • FEATURE: Changed from Checkbox to Toggle for True/False ACF field (Thanks Olli)

  • FEATURE: A new template type "GutenBricks Block" has been added, you MUST use this block type for your templates.

  • FEATURE: Added "default" bundle. If no bundle is assigned, the template will belong to the default bundle.

  • FEATURE: Better rendering, preview and accuracy including a working responsive view.

  • FEATURE: Edit button URL

  • FEATURE: New ACF fields: URL, True/False and Email

  • FEATURE: Customize "ACF Settings" label on Gutenberg editor

  • FEATURE: New third-party integration: BricksExtra

Last updated